early Detection Can Save Lives.

One in three women in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, and colorectal cancer are the top cancer types in women, but there are preventive measures that can be taken to reduce your risk.

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Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is most treatable if it’s caught early. For most women, breast cancer prevention starts with a mammogram. Mammograms can often catch tissue changes well before you or your doctor can feel them. Because 90-95% of all breast cancer cases are found in women with no family history1, doctors recommend that women ages 40 to 74 get a mammogram every one to two years, even if they don’t have a family history of breast cancer.

Use our online provider search to find and schedule your mammogram at a location near you today.

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Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer has been steadily on the rise among younger populations in the last several years. For this reason, it is now recommended that women aged 45 years and older get regular screenings to make sure abnormalities are caught early. Start sooner if you have any family history of colon cancer. Learn more about what screenings may be right for you.

STI Screenings

For women who have an intimate relationship (even a committed, monogamous one), staying healthy requires regular screenings. Guidelines recommend yearly STI screenings, particularly for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

For years chlamydia has remained among the top reportable diseases according to the Utah Department of Public Health. Chlamydia is curable; however, it is often symptomless and may go untreated. If not treated, it can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, or other problems. The most common age range for chlamydia is 16-24. Help keep our younger population healthy by having your children in this age range tested yearly if they are sexually active. It is also advised that Chlamydia testing be done yearly if this age range is on birth control for any reason. The screening test is easily done and considered preventive so should not require a copay, coinsurance, or deductible on most plans.

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Don't let diabetes get you down.

Diabetes is a relatively common illness, with more than 26 million Americans diagnosed. It is especially important for women to stay on top of their diabetes, as diabetes leads to a four-fold increase in heart disease for women - double that of men. Diabetes can also lead to kidney and eye disease, and damage to nerves in the extremities.

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the tests recommended each year to monitor the disease are the same. A1c, kidney health tests3, retinal eye exams, and BP checks are all necessary to keep you healthy. It’s also important to talk to your healthcare provider about statin use to control cholesterol levels.

One of the lesser-discussed symptoms of diabetes is depression. As you’ll see below, women are at special risk for depression, so make sure that you talk to your doctor about your mental health frequently and seek help when you need it.

Women get heart disease too.

Heart attacks and heart disease are often associated with men, but the truth is that over 44% of women are living with some form of heart disease, and it is the #1 killer of women in America. So, while the heart attack stereotype is often an older man, it’s important to recognize that heart disease is a silent killer most women will have to face in our lifetimes.

To decrease your risk, get your cholesterol and blood pressure checked regularly and take medications (including statins) as prescribed. You can improve your heart health by choosing healthy habits like quitting smoking, exercising regularly, managing stress levels, and enjoying a balanced diet, which includes low sodium, high fiber, and decreased saturated fat intake. It is also important to monitor and record your blood pressure at home and share your home readings with your provider. Learn more about heart disease risk factors.

Download a printable blood pressure tracking log.

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Bringing a new life into the world isn’t easy.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum care are important aspects of women’s health that shouldn’t be ignored.

For newly-expectant mothers, it’s important to see a doctor within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy and at least once a month after that.

For those who qualify, we offer ongoing support through our Healthy Beginnings program. To learn more, call 801-442-5052.

But we shouldn’t forget that care for mothers doesn’t stop once the baby is born. While many of us now know about the struggles of post-partum depression, it’s important that women who are experiencing post-partum depression, or who need additional care after their babies are born, know that resources are available to help them through it. And remember to see your doctor between six to eight weeks after delivery to screen for postpartum depression and to ensure you are healing well.

Get vaccinated, and make sure your loved ones do too.

If there’s one thing you can do to improve your health, and the health of your family, it’s to make sure to adhere to recommended vaccine schedules2. All diseases are tragic, but this is especially true of the ones we could have prevented with a simple shot. And getting vaccinated isn't just for you—it helps protect those most at risk who may not be able to get immunized due to age or medical conditions.

Some immunizations (vaccinations) are recommended at specific ages. This is based on scientific data and helps protect from diseases when individuals are most vulnerable. Be sure to get the facts about immunizations from a trusted source and talk to your doctor about what other vaccines you or your loved ones might need. Learn more about why it’s important to get vaccinated.

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Recommended schedule of care.

Whether it's for yourself, or someone you care about, you can find vaccine schedules, and resources for making preventive care appointments below.


Schedule your screenings today!

Don't delay-make an appointment with your doctor today. If you need help finding a doctor, call Select Health member Advocates at 800-515-2220.

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