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B3: Brain Body Boost
Awards & Minutes

Awards and Minutes

How do my students enter their activity minutes?

After you add your students to the program, they can login to access their personal B3 profiles and enter their minutes in their dashboard. B3 is mobile friendly, allowing you and your students access to it from wherever you are and from multiple devices.

What activities can be counted as student activity minutes?

Any type of physical activity can be counted, as long as the student is engaging in some sort of movement. This can be anything from playing on the playground, walking the dog, doing yoga, going for a hike, ice skating, jumping jacks, etc. Activities can be done both in and out of school time.

What does it mean to be a Top Dog?

Top Dogs are the three classes who have completed at least four strands and have the highest average minutes of physical activity. At the end of the school year, the B3 team will calculate the Top Dogs of the year, awarding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place titles.

Does my class receive anything for being a Top Dog?

Yes! Each Top Dog will receive a Top Dog Award to further improve the health and wellness environment in their classroom or at their school.

How are the average minutes per classroom calculated?

The B3 team will add up each classroom’s total minutes from each of their students and divide the total classroom minutes by the number of students in the classroom. This gives your average number of minutes per classroom for the time you participated.

I’m having trouble motivating my students to be active, what can I do?

Check out the Resources page and look through the Teacher, Parent/Guardian, and Student links listed. There are lots of different activity ideas all separated by topic that might peak your students’ interest! You can also try assigning physical activities as homework assignments or including activities as brain breaks throughout the day. Remind your students they can be Top Dogs at the end of the year if they log the most minutes of physical activity!